George Bernard Shaw once said “the biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”. This statement very effectively summarizes the most common problem couples face when they are trying to communicate with each other. Many a time we assume that our partner knows how we feel. But there may be no truth in that assumption and it may ultimately lead to disappointment. Hence it necessary to build your relation based on effective communication rather than mere speculations.
Communication-the elixir of a healthy relationship
The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet would have had a happy ending if there was proper communication between the characters. Therefore the importance of communication in a relationship cannot be stressed enough. When each partner knows each other’s feelings then there is a more openness, trust, respect and security in the relationship. Apart from the many positive influences it can have on your life, having an open communication with your partner can have 4 direct benefits.
1.Builds trust in the relationship
The beginning of a new relationship goes through the cycle of physical attraction, infatuation, concern and finally a sense of responsibility towards one another. To get to the last stage, it is important to build trust so that your partner can believe in you.
Relationships are easy to maintain if there is healthy communication between the couples. It is very important to take time out every day from your busy schedules and talk to your partner.
If your relationship is based on the strong foundation of trust then there will be no scope for any insecurity. So go ahead and ask your partner questions like “are you fine?” “is there anything I can do for you?”, “how was your day?” These small talks go a long way in relationships and act as the mortar that binds the couples together.
2.Shows your support for each other
It is important for couples to invest their time in the relationship so that it can act as their support system. The more honestly you can speak to each other, the more closely you are drawn to each other.
Creating a space within the relation where each partner can openly and freely share their feelings, shows their support for each other. This makes it easier to share the good and bad experience of their lives. Using the right words will make your partner feel safe and assured and thereby bring stability in the relationship.
3.Expresses love for one other
It is imperative to clearly communicate your feelings for one another. Small gestures like helping in the household chores do pass on the message that you care for your partner but by no means is the substitute for the 3 magical words I love you! Expressing your love verbally keeps the magic alive.
As you move ahead in the relationship, there may be problems down the road. Try to explain your anger instead of expressing it. This will open the doors for solutions instead of heated arguments.
Ignoring your partner after a fight is not fruitful as you are merely teaching them to live without you. Instead convey your feelings effectively so that your partner will be able understand your situation.
4.Better Communication equals better relationship
The equation is that simple! Two people may be in a relationship but may see in two different ways. Hence it is important to be able to have a heartfelt conversation with your partner to bring love back into the relationship. Without proper communication even the strongest relationship can crumble down.
Tips to improve communication in your relationship
1.Pause and listen
The biggest issue in communication is that we don’t listen to understand the other person’s problem; we listen to give back a fitting reply. It is important to put your own thoughts and opinions aside and be available for your partner. Empathize with your partner while they are talking to you and listen with your heart.
2.Show signs that you are listening
Listening silently to your partner is not sufficient. It is important to demonstrate that you are actually hearing your partner out. Try to reflect about what is being said and repeat the same to your partner. This will show him/her that you are paying attention and help you both to be on the same page of the conversation.
3.Honesty is the best policy
Small lies pile into big lies. Hiding your emotions and pretending everything is fine will not serve any purpose. Be open and honest with your partner and talk about things you would generally not share with others. This not only shows your vulnerability but also helps you to be yourself and explore the full potential for your relationship together.
4.Understand non verbal clues
Sometimes people try to hide their disappointments with a smile. Nonverbal clues like body language, eye contact and tone of your voice help to match the actions with words. Therefore in order to communicate better, it is important to understand these signals so you will be more attuned to what your partner really means to say.
5.Focus on the problem not on winning
When you are having a conversation with your partner the focus should be on resolving the issue and not on who gets the final say in the matter. Do not get carried away by the heat of the moment and drift away from the problem at hand.
Talking is one of the first things we learn in life. But it is strange that as we grow up and learn all the words, the harder it becomes to express our thoughts and needs. Communication is a skill that requires time and patience. It becomes all the more important when couples are involved. So go ahead and make a genuine effort to connect with your partner over a cup of coffee and experience the difference that good communication will bring into your lives.